Monday 9 December 2013

After all

Come back to the family past subject After all those years fights etc finally came peace and our little dysfunctional family start to look really good We even started to celebrate holidays together as a whole family which consist of my hub me and children and my sister hub and children But yes its always BUT !! it didn't last About 6 years ago things started to slip Going downhill slowly but at constant pace getting faster and faster every year And about a year ago it went to those speeds You are just unable to stop What happen well one of the member in our family felt unloved , jealous , bitter etc The reason well apparently a few of them but not really a true reasons were told to other members and a huge fight began Not talking , calling names , accusing or being just plain jealous So it was one against few But I guess we felt something was not right that the reasons we were told are not true and that some little pain in the a** is behind all of this And U know what really happened ? One of the hubsters do all of it was so dark an bitter that he convinced his wife to go against her family Stupid as she was she listened to him and done a really bad things and hurt many people BUT (always the f but )

BUT life is unexpected and u never know what gonna happen So after a while karma got her They lost a car short after that lost a home cuz financial struggle (Her hubby decided to have a fight with his boss so he lost a job ) So when whole world is collapsing on to you You want to count on family cuz they will always help Well not this time Cuz she done some horrible stuff there was no one to give help or advice For a long time they were pretending that everything is fine Her husband said to her that he will never ask anyone from her side of family for help cuz they are all ****** At that point she blindly believed him even tho they didn't have anything But when after a few weeks her only children start to be hungry and cold Hubby was just not enough He tried to say stuff to her and hope she will still believe what he said about her family was true but her mother instinct was stronger In the end she went to apologies her family She apologized for everything and how stupid she was that she let him take over her decisions her phone friends and most important family They took her in cuz they knew she wasn't herself before and that she was lost In the end she told her hubby '' Get a life and be out of mine'' She took kids move to another city start fresh and now U may ask well that part still needs to be written

                                                                             Family ?

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