Monday 16 December 2013

it's hard ... Fight !!

It's hard to raise a child and try to do a good job All Mum and Dads struggle on day to day basics But what can U do if your own flesh and blood will fight against you What's the best solution Well the truth is that there is none At one point we all gonna do or say things we normally wouldn't  We all in the end wish to do things better But we can't change it now when its done We could just avoid it in future But when U are at that point that all breaks are lose and U reach your limits then what Will U remember to not shout again ??? Will U be calm ??? The answer to that is noooooo never ...... Its really hard to be all the time best In the end when the children are older they will tell U what was wrong and again U will have that felling U can't change anything But we can try do are best fix things stop the destruction path in their life's Being angry it's normal but would U be ok if your child done huge mistakes in life cuz U didn't try to change yourself your methods etc. I would be guttered Me myself not perfect as well struggling all the time but I love my children and will do anything for them But some days are not so good so even me as a parent doo huge mistakes and later on regrets them But the key to all that is to fix whatever U broke and put huge amount of love into their life's Cuz in the end they learn everything from U And no matter how much they will try they will do same mistakes regarding their children So try to avoid wrong situations as much as possible That U know U gave them really good life and they will continue to give it later on in adult life to their family
Its hard not to repeat your parents mistakes Everyone does it the thing is when U realize it just stop and remember how unhappy u were when it happened to U

'' Family its most important thing in the world so don't ruin it because your past was bad ''

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