Friday 13 December 2013

Fakers ...feckers .. F*ckers ???????

Have you ever wonder about worthless friends ???
Today I was thinking why oh why people want to pretend that they are Your friends Never clearly understand that and maybe never will In my life thank God I've never had such a experience with these type of people But I've heard loads of stories about it And one just stayed with me Its a story about '' friends from childhood '' 
So let say they were two girls ''besties'' as they said about each other They were living on the same estate since they were born they went to the same school , even when they grow up had a job boyfriends etc they still saw each other every weekend or so .
Life was great until one of them got into a mess in her life Health issues then work etc All of the sudden  the other one stops all calls txt she started acting different The one in trouble was confused she though she could always count on her '' bestie '' but that wasn't a case anymore 
U may ask why what happened The truth is when U look back and hear all their stories U would notice that just one of them was always supportive that just one of them always was there to help So when the helpful one got in trouble the other one just disappeared of her life 
The pain was horrible for that who was left behind She couldn't understand why ???
Thats what's gonna happen when U have fake people beside U 
U trust them and say to Yourself that when the time will came for them to help U they will 
The truth is '' NO'' that time will never arrive Even if U in real trouble even with your own life Fake friend don't have use for U anymore so they just leave U And that's the painful truth The only thing we can hope for is that LIFE WILL GET THEM eventually !!!

Life is too short !!!!!!!!!!

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